"uniting the Taekwon-Do world"

Mankook TaeKwonDo presents:



9th Dan



Moelv - Norway

Grandmaster Kim Suk Jun, 9th Degree Blackbelt


Grandmaster Kim has over 40 years experience of teaching Taekwondo. There are very few 9th degree black belts in the world and even fewer who still teach.


President of Taekwon-Do International

Founder of Instructors’ Association

Founder of New York City Taekwondo Association

Former Member of Original I.T.F. Demo Team


Grandmaster Kim began his own extensive training in Taekwondo at a young age in Seoul, Korea. In addition to studying Taekwondo, he also earned a degree in Civil Engineering and briefly skied professionally.


In 1974, Master Kim won the Masters Association Open Championships and the South Atlantic Open Championships in free fighting, and between 1975 and 1980, he performed annual Taekwondo demonstrations in Madison Square Garden. In 1976, he opened a Taekwondo school in Bergenfield, New Jersey. A turning point in his development as a martial artist also came in 1976 when he was selected by General Choi Hong Hi, the founder of the International Taekwondo Federation (the “ITF”), to become one of the original members of the ITF Demonstration Team.

