Mankook TaeKwonDo


Mankook TaekwonDo


Moelv Taekwondo club was our first name, and was founded in August 1996 by the family Amundsen.


The whole family has been training now about 20 years,

the first years under Master Tien Ton That in the Norwegian Tae Kwon-Do Association. Head coach was MasterQuach Chi Cuong (7 Dan), who currently are the leader in Hwarang Norway, and

Master Ragnar Furuli (5 Dan) and Lee Duy Than (5 Dan) was one of our great instuctors.


Our club changed its name in 1998 to Mankook Taekwondo.

Mankook is the name we were given by Grand Master Lee Beom Jhoo (9.dan), and means "the club deep in the country between the mountains ...".


Mankook Taekwondo located in Moelv, and this year it is 16 years since we started.

We have members of all ages, from 3 years and up to 55 years pt.


"Our" Taekwon-do is for everyone, and we practice both of the two main styles within the TKD (WTF and ITF),

in main WTF style.

As beginners and colored belts we teach WTF style (the style that is recognized as an Olympic sport),

but we have a strong focus on the traditional.

As a black belt you also get access to "complete" Taekwon-do, and black belts has to learn both styles (even if its strongest focus on the WTF style).


Mankook Taekwondo was the first club in Norway that started a children's group for children as young as 3 years.

We offer most “fun and play” for the little ones, but they also learn the basics of Taekwondo, especially discipline and respect for others.


In general ; Discipline and respect for others is very important for our club.